Friday, February 12, 2010


These are three things that I learned while reading the "Handbook of Pricing and Ethical Guidelines".

Copyright laws
In 1989 a law was passed that protects artists work automatically, from the moment of creation, without inscribing a copyright law. I thought that designers and artists always had to pay to have something copyrighted in order of it to protected.

5 Phases of environmental design
Programming- establish design criteria
Schematic Design- solving problems with concept development submit designs
Design Development- refine accepted designs
Contract Documentation- fully documented for implementation and is started
At this stage, any changes by the client can increase the bill as they are not in the original accepted concept
Contract Administration- quality checking to make sure production deployment and shipping go smoothly - payday

I didn’t realize that a designer could be payed on an hourly basis. I thought that all designers requested a lump sum at the beginning of a project. Requesting an hourly rate can be good and bad. It will insure that the time put in will represent your wages, but it will not insure that you make a certain amount. Being an hourly paid designer will not give you the benefit of knowing how much money the project will provide.

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