Friday, March 27, 2009
Type conference (things to give away to attenders)
Things you might get at a conference:
- Postcard
- poster
- Bag
- book
- note taking paper
- Pen
- Folder
- balloons
- pod casts
- shoe laces
- Keychain
- Piece of embellished type
- Stickers
- for people to wear
- to incorporate into letter-forms
- for people to put on objects like tape or bumper-stickers
- Matches and match books
- food
- personalized mints or candy
- t-shirt
- stress ball or other round device
- wind up toy
- Magnet with logo on it
- Lanyard (logo slider)
- light up fan with typographic message
- Metal pieces
- Paper clips
- Screw
- Wire
- Nails
- Bolts
- blades
- staples
- pins
- tools
type conference font
Type conference Designer bio.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Type conference title and theme

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Type Conference Theme
Theme of Conference: Decorative/Ornate Letterforms
Participants Will be able to enroll in one of four groups based on ability and interest. People will become more aware of the uses of ornamentally styled letters while experimenting with new and old letterforms and letterform creations. Group one will discus high points in typographic history and the evolution of the letterform. Group two will investigate the uses and meanings of the letterform. They will learn about the little details of the form that give meaning. The third group will study Gutenbergs work in his 42 line bible and how he embellished the letter-form. Group four will focus on the uses of ornamental typography in posters, on the web, and in logos, new and old.